A downloadable project

In year 3046 Victoria got abducted by a pair of mysterious men, one thing led to the next and now she's been sent to the past, can she find her way back to home?


Game Developers:

Ahmed Bahaitham - ahmedhaithambahaitham@outlook.com

Baher Ahmed Banjar - BaherBahee1@Gmail.com

Hayat Albarakati - hayaty.mb@gmail.com

Marwah Alsaggaf - meroo468saggaf@gmail.com

Story Writers:

Rose asim - Rooseasim@gmail.com

Tasneem Qurrah - Tasneem-ali@hotmail.com

Sound Designers:

Sultan Alrokayan - s@alrokayan.com

Mohammed Elsadig Ahmed - hanouka4@gmail.com


Mohammed Elsadig Ahmed - hanouka4@gmail.com

Noor Zaher Tashtiba - noorzwt@gmail.com


Rose asim - Rooseasim@gmail.com

Heba Amjad Zatar - heba.za33@gmail.com

Video Editors:

Rose asim - Rooseasim@gmail.com

Marwah Alsaggaf - meroo468saggaf@gmail.com

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